National Drug And Alcohol Facts Week 2023 | How To Celebrate

National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week (NDAFW) will be held March 20 to 26 this year.
This is a week-long health observance that discusses the science of substance use disorder in kids and teens and opens a dialog about the subject with young people and adults.
Read on to learn more about this important informational week.
The History Of National Drug And Alcohol Facts Week
Started by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) in 2010, the NDAFW began when scientists noticed a lack of scientific understanding of drug and alcohol use in youths.
Addiction and substance use can look very different for different age groups. Signs of underage drinking, for example, are not the same as signs of adult alcohol abuse.
Rates of prescription drug abuse, such as opioids, also differ among age groups. And the effects these substances have on a growing body can be very different, too.
To help people understand addiction in young people, educators, and health care providers now work together through the NDAFW to educate teens and their loved ones about this subject.
This is done via in-person events throughout the country, conversations on social media, and more.
If you want to test your knowledge of substance use, NIDA has also provided an online alcohol IQ challenge.
NIDA works with the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) to create this week-long informational event.
4 Tips On Getting Involved
There are a variety of ways to get involved in NDAFW.
Official events happen all throughout the month of March. So no matter what your schedule looks like, you can find something that works for you.
1. Learn About Recovery
Consider attending an NDAFW event, either in person or online, to learn about the science of addiction.
These events help debunk the myths about addiction by sharing information and the latest news. They offer free materials and free resources, so you can build your addiction resource toolkit.
There may be one at your local high school, or somewhere else in your community. Check out the NDAFW events map to find an event happening near you.
2. Find Support
NDAFW also provides spaces to find people you connect with in regard to addiction.
Hashtags on social media such as #NDAFW, #drugfacts, and #MyWhyNDAFW help connect people with addiction to people who care about them, as well as to each other.
In-person events can do the same. Addiction touches the lives of people from all walks of life, and you may be surprised at who is in attendance at your local NDAFW event.
If your support network could use expanding, try reaching out to people through this week-long event.
3. Attend Therapy
Gaining a better understanding of addiction science is just the first step.
Now that you understand alcohol and drug use better, it might be time to dig deeper into how it affects you personally.
Individual counseling, group therapy, and organizations such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA), are available resources for people with substance use disorder.
Substance abuse disorder is a mental health illness. As with other mental health issues, support and community are of great benefit.
Being surrounded by professional and community support can remind you that you’re not alone in recovery.
4. Find Treatment
Behavioral health accessibility is increasingly being seen as an important investment in all communities, thanks in part to health initiatives like the NDAFW.
Funding and resources are being provided to organizations helping young people and adults around the country to find the healthcare they need to treat their substance use disorder.
You can find treatment at multiple levels of care to find what best suits your needs. This might include an inpatient rehab program, outpatient treatment, detox, or another program.
Find Treatment For Addiction At Ark Behavioral Health
Call the helpline at Ark Behavioral Health today to learn more about adult addiction treatment in New England.
Our team provides a full continuum of care for lasting recovery. This includes varying levels of care with an individualized approach to treating the underlying causes of addiction.
Reach out today to learn more about your recovery options.
Written by Ark Behavioral Health Editorial Team
©2025 Ark National Holdings, LLC. | All Rights Reserved.
This page does not provide medical advice.
National Institute of Health | National Institute on Drug Abuse - National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week
National Institute of Health | National Institute on Drug Abuse - National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week® 2010 – Ongoing
National Institute of Health | National Institute on Drug Abuse - Learn About National Drug & Alcohol Facts Week
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