The Legal Consequences Of Drug & Alcohol Abuse

If you struggle with drug or alcohol abuse, there are various legal consequences you may suffer if you are caught by law enforcement. Federal law prohibits the possession, consumption, sale, and use of illicit drugs. This includes drug misuse in the form of buying or sharing.
Those who participate in illegal drug use or drunk driving may face a variety of legal consequences which can range from temporarily losing your driver’s license to jail time. Other factors will be considered as well, such as if you’re abusing prescription drugs or if this is your first time disobeying a drug law.
Monetary Fines
If you are caught abusing a controlled substance and it is your first offense, you may receive a hefty fine which can range from hundreds to thousands of dollars depending on the circumstance. This depends on the type of state or federal law broken.
Jail Time
If your drug addiction is severe, you may face jail time for your actions while inebriated. Some who struggle with drug and alcohol use can develop changes in mood which can lead to instances of aggression and domestic violence.
Those who sell or distribute drugs may receive jail time as well, depending on the type of controlled substance or drug sold.
Your jail time may go on your criminal record. Depending on the severity of problems caused by substance abuse, you may be required to pay fines or participate in community service as well.
Community Service
Certain misdemeanors and instances of breaking the law may require you to take part in community service duties. Although community service may not be desired, there are worse legal consequences.
Community service allows you to form a routine and serve the community in a good cause without the presence of drugs.
Driver’s License Suspension
Those who participate in driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI), according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), have an increased risk of disobeying traffic laws. A person may be impaired which may cause them to be slow to brake, not stopping at red lights or stop signs.
If you are drunk driving while operating a motor vehicle, you are engaging in risky behavior which can ultimately lead to accidents and cause harm to you or others on the road. One of the legal consequences of getting behind the wheel while impaired is the suspension of your driver’s license.
You may lose driving privileges for months or a year. Since impaired driving laws range from state to state, you may face misdemeanor charges or more serious legal problems.
Mandatory Treatment Program
Those suffering from alcohol-related problems may be court-ordered to attend a rehab center. You may also be required to take part in mandatory drug testing to ensure you are continuing your sobriety journey.
Treatment programs can help assist those struggling with drug or alcohol addiction. Various treatment options may consist of:
- medical detox
- inpatient and outpatient treatment
- medication-assisted treatment (MAT) (only for those with opioid use disorder or alcohol use disorder)
- dual diagnosis treatment (those suffering from a substance use disorder and mental health disorder)
- aftercare resources such as 12-step programs, sober living homes, and support groups
If you or a loved one need addiction treatment, consider Ark Behavioral Health. At our network of substance abuse treatment facilities, we place focus on your well-being and develop specialized treatment plans designed for your needs.
To speak with one of our healthcare professionals, please contact us today.
Written by Ark Behavioral Health Editorial Team
©2025 Ark National Holdings, LLC. | All Rights Reserved.
This page does not provide medical advice.
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism - Alcohol Policy
National Institute on Drug Abuse - Tx Criminal Justice
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration - Laws and Regulations
United States Department of Transportation - Drunk Driving
United States Department of Health and Human Services - Addiction and Substance Misuse
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