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  • Fake Oxycodone & The Dangers Of Counterfeit Pills

    Fake Oxycodone & The Dangers Of Counterfeit Pills

    Oxycodone (brand names Oxycontin and Percocet) is a prescription opioid that’s counterfeited, faked, and sold on the street

    Due to the effects of the drug, counterfeit pills are created to make access to the drug more easily available. This process is illegal and can sometimes result in death because the fake oxycodone pills may contain drugs like fentanyl that can result in overdose and death.

    As a legitimate prescription pill, oxycodone (or “oxy”) is effective for treating moderate to severe pain. Unfortunately, one of the many dangers of abusing this prescription medication is the possibility of taking counterfeit oxycodone.

    Counterfeit Oxycodone

    According to the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), counterfeit oxycodone has a different appearance than authentic oxycodone. The writing and numbers on the fake oxycodone pill are more defined and can be seen more clearly.

    Pills sold online may indicate that the oxycodone is counterfeit. In addition to this, the DEA states that a fake pill containing only two milligrams of fentanyl, the equivalent of a few grains of salt, can cause a life-threatening overdose.

    Criminal Drug Networks

    The DEA also states that the majority of counterfeit drugs are produced in countries such as Mexico, India, and China. Drug trafficking is a serious concern as social media is used to help with internet sales of fake drugs.

    In labs where these counterfeit drugs are made, there are no standards or quality control. Because of this, the pill may consist of various amounts of fentanyl or other drugs.

    Counterfeit drugs may be easy to obtain and can be widely available to anyone with internet access. However, the deception of criminal drug networks can come with a high cost of serious health concerns.

    Street Names

    Some of the street names of oxycodone include:

    Dangers Of Counterfeit Pills

    When a person takes a counterfeit prescription drug, the pill may be laced with illicit drugs such as methamphetamine or synthetic opioids. Taking oxycodone which contains unknown amounts of illicit drugs is dangerous.

    Fentanyl-Laced Pills

    Many counterfeit prescription medications are laced with fentanyl, a dangerous and powerful synthetic opioid. 

    All different types of counterfeit pills can be cut with fentanyl, including Xanax (alprazolam), Percocet (oxycodone/amphetamine), and Adderall (amphetamine/dextroamphetamine).

    Fentanyl Overdose

    Those who take fake prescription pills increase their risk of fatal overdose. Receiving a prescription medication from someone other than a healthcare provider isn’t recommended and can be a form of drug abuse.

    Taking fake oxycodone pills often leads to an overdose death due to the fact that the pill may consist of a lethal dose of fentanyl. In fact, according to the DEA, 4 out of every 10 counterfeit pills with fentanyl contain a potentially deadly dose.

    Some of the symptoms of an opioid overdose include:

    • low blood pressure
    • pinpoint pupils
    • seizures
    • fainting
    • slow or difficulty breathing
    • blue fingernails or lips
    • coma

    Those who suffer from an oxycodone overdose will likely need urgent medical attention. At the emergency department, the person who overdosed may receive a potentially life-saving medication known as naloxone. Naloxone helps to rapidly reverse an opioid overdose.

    If you live with prescription drug addiction and frequently purchase pills off the street, we can help. To learn more, please contact Ark Behavioral Health today.

    Written by Ark Behavioral Health Editorial Team
    ©2025 Ark National Holdings, LLC. | All Rights Reserved.
    This page does not provide medical advice.

    Drug Enforcement Administration - Counterfeit Pills Fact Sheet
    Drug Enforcement Administration - Drug Fact Sheet
    Drug Enforcement Administration - One Pill Can Kill
    National Library of Medicine - Hydrocodone/Oxycodone Overdose
    National Library of Medicine - Oxycodone

    Medically Reviewed by
    Kimberly Langdon M.D.
    on July 18, 2022
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