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  • Hysingla ER (hydrocodone bitartrate) | Overview, Uses, & Addiction

    pile of orange pills Hysingla ER hydrocodone opioid pills medication

    Hysingla ER is an extended-release prescription opioid that treats various forms of pain. While other common hydrocodone products contain acetaminophen, Hysingla ER is a single-entity drug whose only active ingredient is hydrocodone. 

    It can relieve pain over a long period of time due to its extended-release properties.

    Hysingla ER is a stronger opioid analgesic (pain reliever) than many other hydrocodone products.  While it has abuse-deterrent features, it can still be abused by people looking for intense pain relief.

    Hysingla ER Abuse Potential

    The abuse potential of Hysingla ER is high. Hysingla products contain anywhere between 20 mg and 200 mg of hydrocodone, which is more than other immediate-release opioid prescriptions. Hysingla’s strong pain relief properties make it a target for prescription drug abuse.

    Hysingla also has abuse-deterrent properties, which slightly reduce its abuse potential. It retains its long-acting properties when crushed to discourage people who might consider snorting it. It also forms a viscous hydrogel when distilled into a liquid, which makes it more difficult to inject.

    Hysingla ER is one of many abuse-deterrent opioids designed to prevent abuse of opioid medications. Despite its abuse-deterrent formulation, Hysingla ER is still a Schedule II controlled substance. 

    Hysingla can be abused by taking abnormally high doses, attempting to snort or inject it, or by mixing it with other substances (alcohol, benzodiazepines, etc.).

    Abuse of the drug is a well-known issue, potentially causing a number of side effects. 

    Effects Of Hysingla Abuse

    Abuse of Hysingla ER can cause a number of health effects. The drug may be abused for its sedative properties, pain relief, or feelings of euphoria. However, abusing Hysingla is dangerous.

    Hysingla ER affects the central nervous system, and can be habit-forming. Hysingla abuse negatively affects the CNS, which can lead to physical dependence and higher risk of overdose.

    Side effects of normal Hysingla ER use include somnolence (excessive drowsiness) and constipation. A person abusing Hysingla ER may feel more severe versions of these effects.

    Effects may vary depending on the method of abuse (snorting, injecting, etc.). Snorting Hysingla ER (intranasal use) can lead to upper respiratory tract infection or nasal septum perforation (holes in the nasal wall). 

    Injecting Hysingla ER with syringes can increase your risk of getting bloodborne pathogens, such as hepatitis or HIV.

    Hysingla Withdrawal

    Hysingla ER is habit-forming, especially when taken in the long term. Doctors prescribing Hysingla ER strongly advise short-term use. 

    Even in short-term use, a person can experience hydrocodone withdrawal symptoms. Dependence on hydrocodone can develop within a few days, and symptoms can start soon after, especially when use is suddenly stopped. 

    Long-term Hysingla ER abuse can also lead to addiction. Due to Hysingla’s high concentrations of hydrocodone, withdrawal symptoms can cause great discomfort and stress. 

    Withdrawal symptoms may include:

    • restlessness
    • sweating and chills
    • anxiety
    • joint pain

    Hysingla Overdose

    A large dosing of Hysingla ER can lead to hydrocodone overdose. Hysingla and Zohydro ER, both single-entity hydrocodone products, contain more hydrocodone than other products like Vicodin. 

    People who abuse Hysingla ER are at a higher risk of overdose. Mixing Hysingla with other substances can also increase its toxicity and overdose risk.

    Signs of hydrocodone overdose include:

    • respiratory depression (extremely slow breathing)
    • clammy skin
    • hypotension (low blood pressure)
    • slowed heart rate

    Hydrocodone overdose requires immediate medical attention. Call for help immediately if you see these signs.

    Preventing Hysingla ER Addiction

    Hysingla ER can relieve severe or chronic pain, but can also be habit-forming due to hydrocodone. The medication’s abuse deterrence properties may not be enough to stop abuse or addiction..

    While hydrocodone addiction can be detrimental to your health, many treatment options exist to treat opioid abuse and addiction.

    Tapering Off Hysingla

    If you try to stop Hysingla ER all at once, you may experience withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms will likely be more severe the longer you were on the medication, and withdrawal could lead you to take more to avoid symptoms. 

    If you gradually decrease your dosage over time, you are less likely to experience withdrawal symptoms. This is known as tapering off, which can increase your chances of eventually quitting the drug.

    Alternative Treatment Options For Pain

    Opioids are commonly prescribed to treat pain due to their strength and proven effectiveness. However, opioids also come with high abuse potential and risk of addiction. Non-opioid treatments for pain can come with less risk.

    Non-opioid treatment options include:

    • exercise
    • over-the-counter pain medications
    • physical therapy

    Even if you have taken prescription opioids to treat pain, you may find these non-opioid treatments effective substitutes. Talking to healthcare professionals will help you decide whether these treatments are right for you.

    Serious drug abuse and addiction may require more intensive care, including inpatient or outpatient drug rehab. To learn about our treatment programs, please contact us today.

    Written by Ark Behavioral Health Editorial Team
    ©2025 Ark National Holdings, LLC. | All Rights Reserved.
    This page does not provide medical advice.

    Harvard Health Publishing - Non-opioid options for managing chronic pain
    National Institute on Drug Abuse - Commonly Used Drugs Charts
    U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) - HYSINGLA (HYDROCODONE BITARTRATE) Label - FDA

    Medically Reviewed by
    Kimberly Langdon M.D.
    on March 18, 2022
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