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  • Tequila Hangovers | Symptoms, Causes, & Remedies

    Published on September 22, 2021
    Tequila Hangovers | Symptoms, Causes, & Remedies

    A tequila hangover includes a wide range of symptoms that can occur after drinking too much. 

    Alcoholic beverages contain chemical compounds that can be toxic and contribute to hangover symptoms. Certain types of tequila may have high amounts of these substances, which may be why tequila is associated with worse hangovers. 

    Hangovers can lead to a vicious cycle of drinking to “cure” severe symptoms, which can lead to alcohol dependence. Abstinence from alcohol can help you avoid unpleasant hangover symptoms and other risks associated with alcohol. 

    Tequila Hangover Symptoms 

    Tequila is a distilled liquor made from the fermented sugars of blue agave plants. It is often consumed straight or in mixed drinks, like margaritas. 

    Tequila has a high alcohol content, which means drinking it too quickly can significantly raise your blood alcohol concentration (BAC). Having a high BAC increases the likelihood of experiencing a hangover the next day. 

    Hangover symptoms usually peak once your BAC drops back to zero but symptoms can linger for 24 hours. 

    The most common hangover symptoms include:

    • fatigue
    • diarrhea
    • shakiness
    • dry mouth
    • headache
    • nausea
    • vomiting
    • dizziness
    • sensitivity to light/sound
    • mood changes
    • increased heart rate
    • poor concentration

    How Many Drinks Lead To A Hangover?

    There is no way to predict how many drinks will lead to a hangover. In fact, some people are more sensitive to the effects of alcohol and may experience a hangover after just one drink. 

    The severity of a hangover can vary depending on how your body responds to alcohol and how much you drank. 

    The following risk factors may contribute to hangovers after a night of drinking:

    • drinking on an empty stomach
    • smoking or using nicotine while drinking
    • lack of sleep
    • family history of alcoholism

    What Causes A Tequila Hangover?

    Drinking too much alcohol can cause unpleasant symptoms to develop as alcohol leaves your system. Generally, drinking shots of tequila in a short amount of time is likely to lead to more severe hangover symptoms. 

    The following factors may contribute to hangover symptoms:

    Increased Stomach Acid

    Alcohol increases the production of stomach acid, which can lead to indigestion, nausea, and vomiting. 

    Low Blood Sugar

    If you drink tequila on an empty stomach, it can cause your blood sugar to drop. With low blood sugar, you may experience fatigue, mood changes, or in severe cases, seizures. 

    Increased Urination

    Alcohol causes your body to produce more urine, which can lead to dehydration. Dehydration can leave you feeling lightheaded, dizzy, and unusually thirsty the next morning. 

    Enlarged Blood Vessels 

    Alcohol can cause your blood vessels to expand, which can affect blood pressure and lead to headaches or migraines. 

    Weakened Immune System

    Drinking too much can instigate an inflammatory reaction in your immune system. This can cause a range of symptoms, including decreased concentration, memory impairment, and low appetite. 


    Congeners are chemical compounds and byproducts of the alcohol fermentation process. Congeners play a role in the flavor of alcoholic beverages but may also contribute to hangover symptoms. 

    Light-colored alcohols, like gin and vodka, tend to have the lowest amount of congeners. Dark liquors, like red wine and whiskey, have higher amounts of congeners. 

    Tequila can be high in congeners, depending on how long it is aged. Blanco tequila, which is bottled immediately after distillation, tends to have lower amounts of congeners. 

    Aged liquors, like Anejo tequila, are more likely to give you a hangover than other types of tequila. These liquors are aged for years in oak barrels, which can produce additional compounds. 

    Your body also creates a chemical compound, acetaldehyde, when it metabolizes alcohol (or ethanol). This compound may also be toxic to your body and can cause hangover symptoms. 

    Tequila Hangover Remedies

    There is no universal hangover cure but hydration, rest, and a healthy diet may help ease symptoms. 

    Drinking plenty of water can help replenish fluids and is important if you’re experiencing diarrhea or vomiting. Eating a well-balanced diet, including carbohydrates and foods rich in zinc and vitamin B may help regulate blood sugar levels. 

    If you experience headaches or migraines, you may choose to take an over-the-counter pain reliever. Anti-inflammatory medications like Motrin may be safer than non-aspirin pain relievers, like Tylenol. Taking tylenol while alcohol is in your system can be harmful to your liver. 

    A common hangover remedy is to drink more alcohol to relieve symptoms. However, this is dangerous and can lead to alcohol abuse or dependence. 

    If you or a loved one would like information about treating alcohol dependence, please contact us today to speak with a specialist. 

    Written by Ark Behavioral Health Editorial Team
    ©2025 Ark National Holdings, LLC. | All Rights Reserved.
    This page does not provide medical advice.

    Harvard Health Publishing - 7 Steps To Cure Your Hangover
    Mayo Clinic - Hangovers
    National Library Of Medicine - Alcohol Hangover
    National Library Of Medicine - Hangover Research Needs: Proceedings of the 5th Alcohol Hangover Research Group Meeting

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