Brandy is a type of liquor made from wine or other fermented fruit juices. It contains between 35% and 60% alcohol by volume (ABV).
Brandy prices vary widely depending on the type, brand, and age.
Types Of Brandy
There are multiple types of brandy. Many types feature the labels VS, VSOP, or XO.
VS stands for “Very Special,” which means the drink’s at least 2 years old.
VSOP stands for “Very Special Old Pale” or “Very Superior Old Pale,” which means the drink’s at least 4 years old.
XO stands for “Extra Old,” which means the drink’s at least 10 years old. In general, as the age of brandy increases, so does the price.
The most popular types of brandy, along with their prices, include:
Cognac is a high-quality brandy produced in the Cognac region of France. It’s made with white grapes.
Popular brands of Cognac brandy include:
- Courvoisier VS Cognac, which costs about $25 per 750ml bottle
- Courvoisier VSOP Cognac ($45)
- Courvoisier XO Cognac ($200)
- Hennessy VS Cognac ($40)
- Hennessy VSOP Cognac ($62)
- Hennessy XO Cognac ($220)
- JCB Grand Champagne Cognac ($2,000)
- JCB XO Grand Champagne Cognac ($800)
- Louis XIII Cognac ($3,700)
- Martell VS ($40)
- Martell VSOP ($45)
- Martell XO ($240)
- Remy Martin VSOP ($43)
- Remy Martin XO ($190)
- St. Remy VSOP ($14)
- St. Remy XO ($20)
Like Cognac, Armagnac is a French brandy made with white grapes. However, it usually has a higher alcohol content than Cognac.
Popular brands of Armagnac include:
- Castarede Bas Armagnac VSOP ($45)
- Cerbois Armagnac XO ($75)
- Château de Laubade Signature Armagnac ($30)
- Chabot VSOP Armagnac ($50)
- Chabot XO Armagnac ($80)
- Château de Laubade Armagnac VSOP ($40)
- Château de Laubade Armagnac XO ($75)
- Delord Bas Armagnac XO ($60)
- De Montal Armagnac VSOP ($45)
- Jollite Armagnac VSOP ($35)
- Jollite Armagnac XO ($43)
- Larressingle VSOP Armagnac ($72)
- Larressingle XO Armagnac ($100)
American Brandy
The term American brandy refers to any brandy made in the United States. It can be made from any type of fruit, including grapes, apricots, apples, or pears.
Popular brands of American brandy include:
- Cedar Ridge Apple Brandy ($35)
- Copper & Kings American Craft Apple Brandy ($30)
- E & J Brandy ($12)
- Hatch Apple Brandy ($45)
- Osborne Magno Brandy ($20)
- Osocalis Rare Alambic Brandy ($45)
- Peach Street Pear Brandy ($60)
- RC Distillery Texas Brandy ($45)
- SoulBoxer Brandy Old Fashioned ($20)
- State & Abel American Brandy ($25)
- Velvet Night Brandy ($45)
Pisco is a South American brandy made in Peru and Chile. There are four main types of pisco: pisco acholado, pisco aromatico, pisco mosto verde, and pisco puro. Each type is made with different kinds of grapes.
Popular brands of Pisco include:
- Alto del Carmen Pisco ($20)
- Barsol Quebranta Pisco ($30)
- Caravedo Mosto Verde Pisco ($45)
- Caravedo Puro Quebranta ($25)
- Control Original Pisco Premium ($25)
- Hacienda del Abuelo Pisco ($25)
- Kappa Pisco ($30)
- La Diablada Pisco ($40)
- Macchu Pisco ($30)
- Pisco Don Benedicto ($22)
- Santiago Queirolo Acholado Pisco ($25)
Eau de Vie
Eau de Vie is French for “water of life.” It refers to clear, unaged brandy made with a variety of fruits. It’s sometimes used to make liqueurs (alcoholic drinks made with liquor and additional flavorings).
Common brands of Eau de Vie include:
- Bartlett Pear Eau de Vie ($70)
- Fidelitas Williams Birne ($30)
- Kammer Black Forest Kirschwasser ($42)
- Massenez William Pear Brandy ($50)
- Monteru Cabernet Eau De Vie ($50)
- Purkhart Poire Williams ($35)
- Schladerer Edelkirsch Cherry ($35)
- Schnapsleiche Peach Brandy ($40)
- Wolfberger Litchi ($35)
Grappa is an Italian brandy made from pomace (grape skins, stems, and seeds leftover from winemaking). It can be clear, brown, or golden.
Common brands of Grappa include:
- Alexander Grappa ($30)
- Marolo Grappa Barolo ($60)
- Marolo Grappa and Camomile ($40)
- Mauro Sebaste Barolo Grappa ($40)
- Moletto Grappa Di Prosecco ($45)
- Poli Grappa di Moscato ($60)
- Zacharias Tsipouro ($25)
Brandy de Jerez
Brandy de Jerez is made in the Mexican town of Jerez. It must be aged in a cask that once held sherry.
Common brands of Brandy de Jerez include:
- Cardenal Mendoza Brandy de Jerez Clásico ($40)
- Gran Duque D’Alba ($45)
- Lepanto Solera Gran Reserva ($45)
- Osborne Magno ($20)
- Soberano Solera Brandy de Jerez ($35)
Calvados is made with apples and sometimes pears. It’s produced in Normandy, France.
Common brands of Calvados include:
- Berneroy VSOP Calvados ($20)
- Berneroy XO Calvados ($30)
- Calvados Coquerel ($30)
- Comte Louis de Lauriston VSOP Calvados ($50)
- Gulden Draak Brewmaster’s Calvados ($25)
- Pere Magloire VS ($40)
- Pere Magloire VSOP ($45)
Brandy poses a high risk of abuse and addiction. If you or someone you love feels unable to stop drinking brandy, please contact an Ark Behavioral Health specialist. We provide mental health counseling, medical detox, and a variety of other addiction treatment services.
Written by Ark Behavioral Health Editorial Team
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This page does not provide medical advice.
United States National Library of Medicine - Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD)
Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority - Brandy
Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority - Buying Guide for Brandy
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